Sooyoung "Sue" Kim


I'm a British software engineer with 5 years of experience currently working in South Korea. I am skilled in developing web applications. While I am most confident working as a back-end developer setting up servers and databases, I strive to familiarize myself with every aspect of web development - be it front-end, back-end, or devops.


FLASK, Software Engineer

Nov 2022 - Present

Seoul, Republic of Korea

 • Developed core functionalities of a user achievement aggregation platform. Core functionalities included tracking user achievements by integrating with external APIs including, but not limited to, social media APIs such as Twitter, Discord, and YouTube (Java, Spring, MySQL)
 • Designed and implemented a system to capture real-time events from Polygon blockchain network, facilitating seamless data transmission to Apache Kafka. Collaborated cross-functionally to enable different systems to consume and process this data (Java, Spring, Apache Kafka)
 • Developed chat features for a web-based social video game service (Kotlin, Spring, JPA, PostgreSQL)

Technologies: Java, Kotlin, Spring, MySQL, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, Node.js

Metabora, Software Engineer

Jun 2020 - Oct 2022

Seoul, Republic of Korea

 • Built and maintained REST API servers and batch processing servers
 • Implemented search functionality for a video game platform using MySQL full-text indexes
 • Developed admin tools and dashboards
 • Designed and fine-tuned relational database schemas
 • Designed, built, and improved a data visualization system for the company's blockchain network

Technologies: Java, Spring, MySQL, PHP, Laravel, JavaScript, Node.js

PARAMETA Corp., Software Engineer

Jan 2019 - Jun 2020

Seoul, Republic of Korea

 • Developed server-side REST APIs for several blockchain applications with Spring Boot (mostly) and Node.js (partly)
 • Set up production-grade web service deployment environments using Docker, Nginx, and AWS
 • Automated the deployment process of my team by setting up a CI/CD pipeline using GitLab CI/CD, exponentially speeding up the company development process
 • Implemented a feature to send web push notification to users using JavaScript service workers and server-side Node.js library

As the sole server-side developer of Broof, I developed everything from the ground up including designing the database tables, fine-tuning them for performance, implementing user authentication and authorization mechanisms using JWTs, developing CRUD APIs, and finally, deploying them to production on AWS.

I also automated the deployment process of my team using CI/CD technology provided by GitLab. As the whole code of our company was hosted in a private GitLab repository, I set up a CI/CD pipeline to automatically build, test, and optionally deploy a service whenever one of the developers pushed their code to the repository. This enabled developers that lacked knowledge of the infrastructure to deploy their code conveniently, exponentially speeding up the development process of the whole company.

Technologies: Java, Spring, MySQL, JPA, JavaScript, Node.js, Docker, Nginx, GitLab CI/CD


Konkuk University

B.S. in Computer Science

March 2013 - Feb 2019

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Fun Facts

  • Hobbies include hiking, cycling, walking, lifting weights, and playing video games
  • Can type really fast (120 WPM)
  • Diamond rank in Overwatch (Or at least, used to be. It's been many years since I've written this particular bullet point!)